
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Learning to Draw

Hi everyone!

One of my family members recently left the country, and luckily for me he is an artist and left behind some of his stuff. I received a whole bunch of pencils/charcoal/sketchpads/paints/canvases, the only problem is I am really bad at drawing and I've never taken the time to learn how. I've watched some tutorial videos on youtube and they've helped a bit, but I was wondering if anyone here had some tips for me? For example, is there a specific technique that I should learn to do first? I'm mainly interested in drawing with pencils on a sketchpad, not painting.

Are any of you into drawing? If so, link your deviantart if you have one so we can check it out.

Today I'll leave you with this image from Paulo Brandão which I found on a website compiling 15 images using exposure techniques. Wonderful.


  1. I'm a terrible drawer myself, but I wish you the best of luck though.
    Great picture.

  2. U had the perfect word for them "Wonderful" Thanks for sharing, rly nice looking images!

  3. that is absolutely a beautiful picture..

  4. I have always loved peoples illustrations but I'm not good at it myself :(

  5. Love that Brandão photo, great lighting effects. +Follower

  6. uhh had to see this again :D still looks dope as fu*k :D

  7. Deviant Art is definitely a good place to spend your time. Half of being a good artist is learning to appreciate others' work. :)

  8. the best thing you can do to improve drawing is sketching. Do gesture drawings where you draw no details but someone's body language. Sometimes they are real valuable portfolio pieces as well. keep all of them too, so when you have a good collection of drawings you can look back and see how much you improved! Also, my deviant art is

  9. That is phenomenal photo. Let's see soem of your own soon! I'm following! Check out my blog at:
